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Vivtorian Toilets - Graduated Exposure

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:31 am
by Jack
Hi guys,

My Pee Buddy and I are almost ready to shift a training up a gear and start pising at some urinals that you may feel might be appropriate for our stage of development.

Anybody got any suggestions?


Re: Vivtorian Toilets - Graduated Exposure

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:19 am
by Derek
I assume these are the type of toilets you are talking about: ... oilets.jpg
They were fairly common from memory back in the late 70's and early 80's, before places (eg railway stations and ferry wharfs) were upgraded and rennovated.
They vary in difficulty and lay-out.
The problem with many public toilets, as Russell Gibbs has stated is that "you never know what you are going to walk into".
This means that it is a good idea to keep practicing in places that you are familiar with, and then branch out into the unkown when you are ready.

Re: Vivtorian Toilets - Graduated Exposure

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:47 pm
by rossco309
Hi Jack, You can always visit some you think may be suitable. Just walk in and wash your hands and have a look around etc., to see if you think it will be suitable for the level of pee budy practice you are up to. I am amazed at the differences in design here in Sydney, it must be the same in Victoria as well.

Keep up the exposure practice, it is hard work and takes time, but it really helps in your recovery.

All the best. Ross.