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Interested in joining a help group

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:59 pm
by onlyafool
hello everyone, theres not many people or groups in SA and i would like to visit queensland in some time on a weekend, if not ill fly anywhere in aus to join in one of these meetings. is there any events coming up can private message me if required thanks. A little about myself im 20 and had paruresis for aslong as i can remember had some success but still a long road to recovery it doesn't help that i don't tell anyone im just so imbarresed.

Re: Interested in joining a help group

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:01 pm
by rossco309
quote - "still a long road to recovery it doesn't help that i don't tell anyone im just so imbarresed."

Hi, you need to be able to start telling those that need to know about your problem. I know it's embarrassing, I hid it for many years myself, but once you are able to talk to someone else, ie, a family member, a doctor, or a very close friend, the secrecy part of our condition can no longer control you. It is the first important part of the recovery process.